Tuesday, June 11, 2024

"A Mysterious Old Map......"

It is time for adventure and fun activities as Rohan's summer vacations started from today onwards. This time, he decided to go to an old house near his home. There lived an old man who is quite learned and a man of Wisdom. He had many wonderful stories to tell. One afternoon, Rohan entered inside his house. He saw the old man reading a book. To him, he, the old man looked familiar but he could not recognise him. Rohan greeted him with Namaste and told him that he lived near his house. The old man looked at his face and responded with a smile, "Yes, yes, I know you very well. You are the son of Mr Rajesh. Tell me why you come here?" 
Rohan replied, "I came to know that you are quite learned and a man of Wisdom. That's why I want to talk to you." The old man asked, "What kind of things you like to talk?" Rohan replied, "I want to know about great Indian warriors and I am in search of an ancient book which has the record of the fights of all the brave Indian warriors of past."
Apprently, the old man showed a serious gesture. He told Rohan, "Wait I have something for you." By saying this, he moved inside a dingy room. After two minutes, he brought an old map. He gave the map to Rohan and said, "This is a mysterious map. With the help of it, you will find the ancient book having all the stories of great Indian warriors." By receiving it, Rohan felt quite excited and thrilled. He showed his reverence to the old man and left the place. 
Next day, he told his mom and dad about the mysterious map and sought permission from them so that he could find out the ancient book. In the beginning, his parents were reluctant to allow him but later, they allowed him with a condition that his elder brother Aryan would also accompany him in this venture. Rohan agreed. Next morning, both Rohan and Aryan started their journey for the search of an Ancient book in a motor bike. Rohan read the map and told Aryan about the direction to follow. By following the mentioned directions, they reached near an old and dilapidated castle. Initially, they frightened to see the haunted and isolated place. Rohan told Aryan to go back home but Aryan refused. However, Aryan too was frightened but he resisted and told Rohan that they must complete their venture. 
Finally, they both went inside. When they entered, Rohan was perplexed and scared. He saw the same old man holding the Ancient Book of Indian Warriors there. The old man smiled and told, "So finally you completed your journey." Rohan asked the old man, "How can you be in two different places at the same time?" The old man told him that he died many years before but his soul didn't get salvation because he didn't get any responsible person who could preserve this Ancient Book. He further told, "Aryan and Rohan, you both are worthy to safeguard the legacy of Indian Warriors' History because only a brave man can truly be an honest man and you both are brave. So take this book and follow the same direction as mentioned in the mysterious map." They carried the book and came back to their home in the next morning. They showed the book to their parents and told them about their mysterious venture. But the parents were surprised to see them. They said, "About which book you both are talking, we can't see any book in your hands?"

Friday, December 8, 2023

House is Not A Home - Summary

This story revolves around Zan. He was feeling gloomy because he went to high school recently. He was desperately missing his old friends and teachers. In his previous school, he was recognised by all but now he had to start everything from beginning. His condition became worst when his house caught fire. 

Perceiving the danger, the narrator and his mother went outside, but suddenly, his mother realised that she had forgotten to bring the important documents from the house and her death husband's photograph. So, she decided to bring those documents and the photographs from the burning house. On the next moment, the author saw his mother going inside. Due to emotional outburst, he too strived to go inside but he was caught by one of the fireman. In the meantime, his mother was saved and they wrapped blankets around them. 

Suddenly, the author recollected that his pet cat was missing and could not find her anywhere. He became upset and cried on not finding his cat and thought that his pet might have died in the fire.

Due to this terrible accident, they didn't have any money left. Zan and his mother went to his grandparents’ house. The next day, he went to school wearing the same clothes which he wore the previous day. 

He was upset desperately and felt insecure about his dilapidated condition. For a moment, he felt a huge loss and missed his old school, his teachers, his friends, his old house and his pet cat. That day, after school hours, he revisited his burnt house and was shocked to see the destruction done by the fire. He saw that whatever hadn’t burned was damaged by the water and chemicals used by the firefighters to put out the fire. He lost everything and felt lonely now.

Soon the news about fire was spread in his new school and now all the new students and teaching faculty helped him by providing notebooks, clothes, school supplies, etc. The author’s heart was touched after seeing the concern of the people of his new school and was overcome by emotion. Now he was full of gratitude. Also, he was thankful to the lady who brought his cat to him. Thus, he felt jubilant in the end and realised that house and home are two different things. Now he got to know that a home is a place where we have emotions, affection and love towards each others.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

A Vigilant Forest Ranger

Deep in the heart of a dense forest in the Himalayas a young forest Ranger named Anant woke up to the chorus of exotic birds greeting the morning sun. He stepped outside his wooden cabin. His heart was heavy with worry news of ruthless gang of poachers. From past few days, their brutal activities were on peak. Just for their pleasure, they callously indulged in the killing of the innocent birds. Though Anant tried a lot to identify the gang of poachers but he could not spot them and that's why he was feeling downcast. They were quite shrewd and villainous. They never leave any trace of their Self Identity behind and just because of this, it became extremely difficult for Anant to catch them. He felt helpless and distressed. He was plodding in the midst of forest and started pondering about the solution of the problem. On the very moment, he saw some tribal people who were walking in a group. 

It seemed as if they were in search of water. Immediately, Anant got an idea in his mind. He decided to talk to them and ask for help. He narrated them the problem and asked them to identify the poachers for him. In the beginning, they had shown their reluctance but later on they promised Anant to help him.

The next day, Anant got an information from one of a member of the tribe that the poachers' camp was situated in the edge of the forest. Also, he told him that they were planning to kill some more birds today. Anant teamed up with the tribes and made a plan to trap the poachers. 

Within an hour, Anant along with a group of the tribe went to the place where the poachers had their camp. They keenly monitored their camp and number of people they had. Then, they went to the place where they were planning to kill the birds. They set a trap and patiently waited for their arrival. 

In the afternoon, they saw their callous faces. And the moment, they reached there, they became the victim of Anant's trap. He arrested all of them.

Anant thanked the members of tribe for their vigilance and cooperation.

All poachers were punished under the wild life protection act and they all were imprisoned for three years and fined Rs. 25, 000. 
The next day, this news got published on all the National Daily Newspapers. Anant was having an expression of satisfaction on his face when he read this news with his morning tea.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Go inside

Frighten'd inside
Still thinkin' you're right
But think twice 
Go beyond thy mind
There ye'll see the play called life
Coming from deep roots of thy mind
Whatever is outside
Comes from inside
So, just go inside
Just go inside

Saturday, July 17, 2021


Thou fear dwells inside
But to fight is not right
'Cause the more ye fight
The more it dominates ye inside
Sudhir ye have to face thy plight
though ye can't fight
Still ye can subdivide
And break it inside
Thy strength is infinite
Thy strength is infinite
Just believe in Infinite
Just believe in Infinite
Then ye can fight with thy plight
And the fear will fear to fear ye inside
And the fear will fear to fear ye inside

Friday, April 17, 2020

Poster Making (Guidelines)

Marking scheme for the Poster Making (Class 12 Writing Skills)
Bifurcation of 4 Marks for the Poster writing as per the guidelines given by CBSE, 2019-20

Format (title and name of issuing authority)
(1 Marks)

(2 marks)

{Expression and creativity (grammatical accuracy, spellings)}
(1 mark)

(4 marks)

(Suggested value points)
- relevant and catchy heading/slogan
- use of phrases
- contact or necessary information
- issuing agency/organization

Let us now try to comprehend the meaning of Poster:
Basically, the poster is a very brief communication with an effective visual and an influential message.

Why is it prepared?
A poster is always prepared with a specific target audience in mind. It is a request for awareness or support, help or action, a warning or a caution.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

E mail writing

From: abc@gmailtoo 

To: xyz@yahoomail.com



Subject: About a trip to Arga with my family members.

Hello, Rahul!

How are you? I hope everything is fine. I want to tell you about my trip to Agra with my family members. 

Last week, we decided to visit Agra because we are having summer vacations. Father said that Agra was having historical importance, therefore, we must visit there. Hence, all of us had given our concern for that. 

When we reached there, we felt quite amazed to see the streets. There were great hustle and bustle. Many foreign tourists visited there. 

Then we had decided to see the Taj Mahal. It was such a great scene! So many visitors came there to see the magnitude of Taj Mahal. I felt quite fascinated to see that beautiful and splendid sight.

Afterwards, we did the shopping and booked a hotel there. 

We spent a week there and then returned by train.

Indeed, it was a great experience. 
