Friday, December 20, 2019

Never lose your wits

Anureeta was a 10 years old girl and she was fond of her mother. She stayed with her invariably and never left her even for a while.

One day she and her mother had gone to a market for purchasing some vegetables.  But on the way, she was fascinated by the charm of the market place and as a result, she lost hold of her mother. Everything turned out quite dreadful to her.  She started sobbing. Apparently, a stranger heard her yelling and asked the reason.

She told that she had lost hold of her mother. The stranger considered it as an opportunity and tried to get hold of her. Comprehending the prospective danger, she recollected the thoughts of her mum who always taught her to shriek loudly whenever she felt any danger. She caught hold of her wits and screamed loudly. Within a minute a mob was gathered and the stranger escaped.

Now Anureeta was safe. In the meanwhile, the mother also reached there and started scolding her but later when she knew about it, she felt proud of her daughter.

Moral - Never lose your wits even in trouble.

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