Thursday, December 19, 2019

Religious Intolerance in India

Religious intolerance is quite prominent in our country India these days and it is just because of our confined set of mind. Gone are the days when people were showing respect for different religions. But now everyone is fighting for petty issues. It seems we are quite childish because our wisdom and rationality of thoughts are being consumed by our dogmatic beliefs. Every day in the newspapers, we read the news highlighting the quarrels of people on the basis of religion, castes, and reigns. It is one of the dreadful things which is blurring the image of our society.

So, being a citizen of India, we must develop a deep insight so that we can analyse ourselves. A sincere effort must be accomplished as the cause of intolerance is our ignorance.  First and foremost, religious books must be introduced to the students. Let it be the part of their curriculum. Let them comprehend the crux of every religion and let them develop a deep sense of respect for all of the religions, only then the feeling of religious intolerance can be circumvented.

Secondly, we should avoid those people who are orthodox as they often generate the seeds of religious intolerance. But still, we can't say that we can circumvent it completely because the roots of religious intolerance are deep-rooted in our society and we can see it when the people are discussing their beliefs and doctrines and easily being provoked when someone criticizes them.

There was a time when India was considered as the symbol of tolerance but now it becomes the symbol of intolerance. Therefore, it is required to study the books of different religions. And the first thing which we have to do is to implement it in our daily lives.

Thus it is crystal clear that the feeling of religious intolerance can only be stopped if we start implementing its deep messages. 

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