Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Format of Job Application

Sender's address


Receiver's address



Main content (2 to 3 paragraphs)


Enclosed resume

***(Bio data)***

Personal information

Educational qualifications

Job experience


Only three references have to be given.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Artificial Intelligence Boon or bane - Against the motion

Respected Principal, worthy teachers, reverent judges and all my dear friends. A very cheerful morning to all of you.  Today I am going to concrete my views on the topic, "Artificial Intelligence Boon or bane" and I will speak against the motion.

August audience, could you please tell me What differentiates a human from a machine?

In layman’s terms, humans can think, generate ideas, and take decisions on their own, whereas a machine has to be designed or programmed to do a specific job. But nowadays, people are developing machines or “robots” that are able to take certain decisions or are able to think to some extent.

That’s what is called AI( Artificial Intelligence). As per my opinion, artificial intelligence is though quite appealing but it also has some of the dangers in its lap which no one can ignore as depicted in most of the Science fiction movies, like the Terminator franchise, Robot etc.

Artificial Intelligence leads to the extinction of the human race. That is a little overrated but it is a possibility as humans have limits while machines can easily overcome those limits. So, if a machine is able to think like a human, then it becomes just like a human but without the flaws and weaknesses or expiration date. They can be like a Superman without the kryptonite. Then based on the survival of the fittest concept, they will evolve and survive while human life will perish.

For the time being, we are happy with the pace at which technology is advancing and when the time comes when AI tries to take over the human race, the humans would (hopefully) be prepared with contingencies to take it down.  But perhaps then we will find ourselves in a big trap from where humanity can't be taken out. Therefore if we really want to make an artificial intelligence system accurate and reliable, it is very important to train the system efficiently with a good set of data and knowledge. Based on the training data, our output of the system matters a lot. The impact of the output or the end result depends on a lot of the training data that is fed to the model during the development of the AI system.

And if we neglect the above aspect then we have to let ourselves be prepared for the rainy days.  And there are a lot of possibilities that we will definitely make such sort of follies in the near future as we also have a dark side.

My dear judicious audience, even if we take care of the above things then also how can we show faith to non-living objects having artificial intelligence as it can't comprehend the pains of human life.  Though at some extent they behave like a living humans but ultimately they don't have a soul.

Therefore, in the end, it is crystal clear that Artificial Intelligence is going to be a bane for our prospective society because a machine with all sort of human desires and emotions can do anything for saving its existence.

Thank You

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Friday, July 13, 2018

Debate - Do teens require smart phones

Your smart phone has already replaced your camera, your television and now your family also. I hope my dear friends, you have already understood my today's topic of debate. Respected Principal, reverent judges, worthy teachers and all my dear friends, a very cheerful morning to all of you.  Today, I am going to express my opinion on a topic: 'Should teens be provided mobiles.' And I will speak against the motion.

August audience, it is well known to us that mobile phones creates a lot of trouble for our society and because of it we all are living a life of zombies. And if we will not confine its use then definitely our prospective human resources will be dilapidated desperately.

Nowadays, many children are provided with mobile phones since early ages in order to, according to some parents, keep in contact with their parents when they are out home. But, *are we aware of the risks that new smartphones have?* As I see it, new technologies and children should be controled by adults as far as it is possible.

*My main reason to think this is a psychological reason.* Young children are not able to understand the risks and problems that smarthones can produce. Children want to be as their classmates, to be in fashion. Managing a smartphone with its characteristics is a difficult task which requires maturity.

Another reason is internet and its wide world connection. It is a well-known fact that loading photos to internet means lose your privacy. When a picture is loading in known social networks as Facebook, it is imposible to know where the picture ends up.

*Many people including my opponents argues that children today need to carry mobile phones so their parents are be able to locate them at any time.* Moreover, they say that having a rechargable card is a good way to control the spent money by children. I can be agree with that, children today go out more than us in the past, and it is a good way to know where they are but don't you think that the continuous contact of mobile phones can also harm their brain tissues and it can also lead them towards mental retardedness.

Do you want your wards to be mentally retarded!

For monitoring children we can adopt certain other measures except mobile phones.

To sum up, I strongly believe that we should teach our children about the new technologies´risks. From schools and homes we have to talk with them about it. New technologies emerged to improve our life quality, from the knowledge they can fulfill their designated purpose but it should not be at the cost of their own health. And moreover there is no need to let them be provided the mobile phones as it bleaks their concentration power.

Debate - Can tutor Really replace teacher?

"A teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide", said by one of the foreign Educationist and Vedas described a Teacher next to Almighty omnipotent God. Respected Principal, reverent judges, worthy teachers and all my dear friends, a very cheerful morning to all. Today I am going to concrete my views on the topic *Can tutors replace teacher?*  And I will speak against the motion.

August audience, it is a well known insurmountable fact that a student is just like a ship without compass in the absence of a good and efficient teacher. And it is a Teacher who always tend to take a lot of pain, insult and burdon only because she/he want their pupil to be the shining stars of zenith. Their endeavours show their magnetic and marvellous personality and we can't replace them with tutors as tutors are confined with the syllabi only.  They tend to teach only a limited number of things which only deals with their cognitive domain where on the other end, teachers deal with cognitive, affective and psycho motor domain. They develop us to be a complete and exact human being.

It is observed that many a time people see the achievements of teachers on the basis of their academic achievements in grades but there are very few who look at their high level of character and these things can only be seen in teachers not in tutors.

Teachers are having a committed set of approach and they love their professon from the bottom of their heart where on the other hand tutors' ultimate concern is money.

Those who think that a tutor can guide their students appropriately also tend to adopt a confine perspective as they aren't aware about child psychology and pedagogy. They are just a master in their own area of subject matter. Except it they don't require any specific professional qualification.

Moreover, a tutor is not having a compassionate heart which is the utmost requirement for the life long learning.

Thus it is quite crystal clear to us that a Teacher can't be replaced with a tutor because teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide on the other hand a tutor is just a commercial agent who only want to earn the maximum profit.

Thank you