Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Analysis of the news - Eco-friendly elections - need of the hour

Area- Eco-friendly Elections - need of the hour

The Article is basically emphasising the need of Eco-friendly campaigning for the elections.

Title - Adhere to green protocol for Eco-friendly Elections

Publication Information -  This Article was published on Monday, April 22, 2019, in the column of *Ludhiana Tribune* on the occasion of *The Earth Day*.

Statement of the topic and purpose

The statement of the topic is Adhering to green protocol for Eco - friendly Elections and its purpose is to let the politicians be aware of some Eco-friendly ways campaigns as the old campaigning system produces lots of plastic waste.  The Author has given a very systematic and practical implementation of Eco-friendly elections by using the power of the Election Commission.  He emphasised the use of recyclable materials and Social Media.

The Title of the Article indicates that the writer wants to adopt the new innovative methods for the campaigning of the Election.

Description and Summary

India is considered to be the largest democracy in the world where the election is common and routine phenomena.  During the Election, parties use a lot of materials for the campaigns.  But these materials aren't Eco-friendly. Therefore, the recyclable materials need to be used and in case any party or candidate refuse to use it then it should be banned for contesting.

Social Media can also be used as a good alternative for the campaign as the age-old method of campaign creates lots and lots of attic wastes.

Moreover, the traditional ways of campaigning can only cater a few people, whereas the use of social media can connect these parties and leaders to the young voters who play a decisive role in electing the government.  And this is a good way to shun the use of plastic.

So keeping in view of the cleanliness and the environment, only eco-friendly material should to used by the political parties.

Interpretation and Evaluation

This Article is giving a new insight for conducting political campaigning before the elections and it can be the best solution for shunning the uses of plastic because it is quite dreadful for our environment.  The Author has given the multiple ways of election campaigns like through using the recyclable materials and social media.  He has given the ground level solution of the problem by using the powers of the Election Commission.

The use of social media can definitely be a good idea as these days all of the people are quite active in it and moreover, the use of social media can help them to spread their agenda in a comprehensive and effective manner.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Taxation is good or bad(Debate) - Against the motion

Good Morning honourable judges, my worthy opponents, faculty members and audience, I (Abc) hereby humbly express my thanks for your interest in the topic. 
As previously stated I am hereby standing to concrete my views AGAINST the motion and if I have your permission I would like to begin by saying that Taxation is a curse for our Society. My dear audience, we all know that taxation is just a curse for our country as our money is being misused by the politicians and the high officials. But I am not saying that all are the same but many of them are having the same set of mind. The middle class and lower-middle-class people are desperately engulfed under the prison of taxation. They are misusing the money of these people in a very malicious and callous manner and it is resulting in them in the devastating state because these common people are having want of money. Therefore, It becomes extremely difficult for these people to survive as they are not given any facilities to them.

-What would be the use of taxation if it is not benefited to the poor class, lower-middle-class family?

-How can they survive if their diligent endeavours are put in the wrong direction?

-How can we be a great economy if the politicians are just using the money of taxation for their personal cause?

It is time to introspect.

It is time to retrospect.

Introspection is required as only then we can comprehend the blunders we have done due to our ignorance and retrospection is required as only then we can understand the past follies.

Judicious and respected audience, we must analyse the above questions in a proper manner because up till now we are just in a deep sleep.  Yes, we are in the sleep of absurdities.

And those who are favouring the taxation, they are just favouring the politicians.

Thus, in the end, I just want to conclude my lines through this poem:

Don't suck the blood of the common men
Don't kill the dreams of the common men
Don't call yourself the white men

As thou are the men with malevolence
As thou are the men with malevolence

So wipe out this system
So wipe out this system

Thank you