Friday, September 6, 2019

How to write an effective Article?

For writing an effective Article first you need to comprehend that the Article writing requires lots of knowledge. The more knowledge you may possess, the more appealing it will be. And the second most important thing for a good Article is your selection of words or vocabulary. There are some of the points which can help you to write a good and expressive Article:

1. Understand the variables given in the statement: The first thing which is very much required for a good Article is to comprehend the variables and afterwards, we need to arrange them as a good title.

2. Make a raw map: The second step is to make a raw map in your mind regarding the content and then to put it in a sequence.

3. Give an effective Introduction: Now go for the introductory part and use some effective vocabulary in the very beginning.

4. Go for the detailed synthesis and analysis: Afterwards, go for the detailed synthesis and analysis. First, construct the information by giving some facts then analyse the same.

5. Conclude it with suggestion and solution to the problem: Now give the precise conclusion by using crystal clear, nutshell, peanut etc.

Steps for a good Story Writing

Story writing is an art and it requires continuous practice.  Without much practice, you can't write a good story.

Therefore, be patient and consistent. Never ever feel that you are perfect because no one can be perfect in any language. There will be errors but take it in a positive manner. Accept it and put your endeavours again.

I. Here I am giving you some techniques for writing a good story:

1. Construct a good plot: First, go for a good storyline and make a raw theme in your mind. Set the plot accordingly and follow it with a number of incidents.

2. Incidents: Correlate different incidents in a coherent manner. Never ever try to lengthen the story with numbers of useless incidents.

3. Create characters: Create some good characters and also make sure that their entrance is natural and spontaneous. Create suspense for making your story interesting.

4. Strong Narrative: Mostly the stories you read are third-person narrative, therefore, try to narrate the story in a lucid manner. Don't mingle the things unnecessarily.

II. Rules for the Story Writing:

1. It should always be written in the past tense.

2. It must have rising and falling points.

3. It must have a peak point or a climax.