Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Last Lesson - summary.

The Last Lesson is a short story written by Alphonse Daudet: a French novelist and short- story writer.  The story deals with the childhood experience of the narrator who was getting late for going to his school and therefore, he was very much worried that this time again he would be scolded by Mr M. Hamel; his french teacher.  But when he arrived at the school, then he realised that this day was completely different from other days.  Because usually when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street and the teacher's great ruler was tapping on the table.  But it was completely different on that day and everything was quiet and still.  When the narrator went towards his class and opened the door he was accepting that this time again he would be scolded but nothing happened.  M. Hamel saw him and said very kindly, "Go to your place quickly, little Franz.  We were beginning without you."
The narrator jumped over the bench and sat down at his desk.  He observed that the teacher was on one of the best dress which he usually wore on some special occasions. He was looking quite emotional because it was his last lesson of french.  Everybody was looking sad sitting in the class.  The amazing fact was that the crowd sitting in the class was completely different and everyone was looking quite sensible as well as disciplined. This time the students sitting in the class were the Postmaster, the Farmer, and several others.  

Thereafter, Mr M. Hamel mounted from his chair and spoke with his same grave and gentle tone which he had used usually and said, "My Children, this is the last lesson I shall give you.  The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.  The new master comes tomorrow. This is my last French lesson. I want you to be very attentive."

The narrator heard M. Hamel said to him, "I won't scold you, little Franze; you must feel bad enough. See how it is!  Every day we have said to ourselves, 'Bah! I've plenty of time. I'll learn it tomorrow. And now you see where we've come out. Ah, that's the great trouble with Alsace; she(Alsace) puts off learning till tomorrow."  

The narrator Franz seemed to be very attentive toward the last lesson given by M. Hamel.  He heard so carefully and attentively that he understand each of the concepts very easily.  He was in this school for the last forty years but this day was looking quite sensible and different as it was his last lesson.  

At the end of the story, Mr Hamel left the class without having any kind of zeal and said, "School is dismissed- You may go."  

The narrator was looking at the blackboard in which a line was written in large words i.e. 

 "Vive La France!" 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Format of Article Writing

1.  Title (Name of the Article)
2.  By Name 
3.  Introduction with some factual information of questions
4.  Presentation of facts 
5.  Explanation of facts and information
6.  Providing the causes of problem
7.  Giving an appropriate solution
8.  Conclusion 

1.  Title:  For writing an effective article it is very much required to choose an appropriate title for the article which either deals with the present problems and social issues. It would be fine enough to give the heading of the Article as concise as possible.  The title of the Article should not be more than four words.

2.  By Name:  After choosing an appropriate title, it is very necessary to write down your name with 'by'.  It provides an information to the reader that this is the name of particular person who had written this article.

3. Introduction with factual information:  Afterwards the introduction should be written properly so that we can create the interest of the reader in our article.  For writing an introduction a current issue or problem can be chosen or some question related to some problem can be put.

4.  Presentation of facts:  Whatsoever facts we have selected in the beginning should be presented in a sequence.

5.  Explanation of facts and information:  Thereafter facts should be explained properly so that our thoughts can take a particular direction.

6.  Providing the causes of the problem:  The causes of the problems whatsoever we have chosen should be presented for giving an insight to the reader.

7.  Giving an appropriate solution:  Then an appropriate solution for the problem should be given in a concise way.

8.  Conclusion:  Thereafter the conclusion should be given in one of two lines by using the words 'Nutshell', 'Crystal clear', and 'Tea spoon'. 

Important questions of Silas Marner

1. What kind of  life was led by Marner during his early days at Raveloe?  Why were people of Raveloe superstitious about him?
2. Why did Marner refuse the company of others and preferred to live alone?  Why William Dane was not considered as religious man?
3. Describe the life changing experience of Marner at Lantern yard?  Why he was convicted of robbing deacon's gold?
4. Whom would you like to be considered as a religious man and why?  Discuss.
5. What punishment was given to Marner and why did he lose his faith in God?
6. What happened after Marner treated Sally Oates back to health?
7. What was indicated by Silas's action of keeping safely his broken pot?
8. Where did Marner hide his money?  Do you agree with this statement that in the village life of Raveloe Marner turned to be a greedy person?  If not then why?
9. Write a short note on Cass family?
10. How did Wildfire die and why was Dunstion Considered as the most wicked person of the novel?
11. How did Dunstan find the hidden money?
12. What is meant by this statement, "Silas's guineas were a golden wine"?

Friday, February 12, 2016

William Dane- A religious Man or not?

William Dane is one of the important character of Silas Marner.  Though he is a negative character but still his negativity reflects the positive qualities of Silas Marner. Without him the story of Silas Marner can't be interesting.  In the beginning of this novel we have seen that Marner and Dane were considered as David and Jonathan of Biblical character. Though both of them are bosom friends but Dane started feeling jealous from Marner's popularity.  That was the reason he decided to belittle Marner in the eyes of churchmen.  He constructed a master plan against Marner.  

Silas was suffering from epilepsy and often it was considered by the churchmen as spiritual visitation.  But Dane told Marner that it was not a sign of spiritual visitation rather it was the sign of Devil's visitation.  Marner felt very sad after listening the opinions of his brother like friend.  But he ignored it.  Later both Marner and Dane were appointed to take care of an ailing Deacon and his gold.  But Dane excused that he was feeling sickness.  Marner got another attack of epileptic fit and Dane took advantage of it.  He put Marner's knife on the Deacon's place and placed deacon's gold at Marner's dwelling.  He also killed deacon to fulfill his master plan.  

Because he backstabbed his brother like friend Marner, that's why we can say that William Dane was not a religious man but yes, he is one of the important character of the novel Silas Marner.

Therefore, it can be concluded from the above discussion that William Dane is one of the negative character of the novel Silas Marner but without him the story of the novel can't be interesting.  So in every kind of negativity there is some positiveness hidden inside.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Silas Marner

1. Character sketch of Silas Marner.
2. What made the people of Raveloe superstitious about Silas Marner?
3.  What kind of life was led by Silas during his early days at Raveloe?  Why  did he attract Jem Rodney's attention?

Answer:  Silas Marner is the main character of the Novel written by George Eliot.  Basically the story of Marner is related with the life of  Georage Eliot and she has tried to express herself with the help of the character of Silas Marner. In the beginning of the Novel we have seen that he was living his life in Lantern Yard where he was one of the respectable person and a churchman.  People often appreciate his goodness and his belief in God.  His best friend William Dane felt jealous of him because of his popularity.  Silas loved Sarah and wanted to marry with her but Dane wanted to belittle Silas so that he could marry with Sarah.  
     Marner had a disease i.e. epilepsy which was considered by people as the spiritual visitation due to their ignorance and inability to understand the disease.  Dane tried to prove that it was not spiritual visitation rather it was a Davil's visitation.  He criticized Marner that there is some evil in Marner's Mind that is why it happened with him.  
     One day Silas Marner and William Dane are appointed to take care of ailing Deacon and his Gold.  In the midnight Dane said that he had felt illness that's why he left the place.  Afterwords Marner got another attack of epileptic fit.  Dane took advantage of it and stole the gold and killed Deacon with Marner's knife.  Thereafter he put the knife and gold at Marner's dwelling.  Later Marner was proved to be the culprit for the stealing of gold and the death of deacon.  
    After getting the betrayal of bosom friend Marner decided to leave lantern yard.  He went to a place where no one knew him and started living a life of recluse.   Now the story of Marner's life shifted from lantern yard to a small village Raveloe.  Here he stopped interacting with others started doing the work of weaving.  Afterwards Marner was known as a recluse because he never talk with someone.  He talked only if had to talk about his supplies of clothes or money.
     Now no one knew him.  When the people of Raveloe had seen him in the attach of epileptic fit, they co-relate it with some supernatural power and Jem Rodney who lived near Marner's cottage considered it as if he knew how to leave the body and how to walk out of death.  That was the reason why Rodney attracted towards Silas Marner.  Due to his and the ignorance of the people of Raveloe they considered him  as a person having super-natural powers.  
     Silas had also learnt about the medicinal power of herbs from his mother and could offer cure for dreaded ailments like rheumatism.  This special quality of Silas further earned him a special and having some supernatural powers.  All these things made the people superstitious about Silas Marner.  

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Not Marble not the gilded monuments- my perspective

The poem "Not marbles, Nor the gilded monuments," is one of the best poem written by William Shakespeare.  In this poem, he just wanted to convey his readers a message that the world is mortal and it can never remain the same.  

Same is with the body it can also not remain in the same condition.  When I read the first line of the poem Not marbles nor the gilded monuments then I found myself lost as if whatever I have done, will not be considered by anyone as if the great ones who had made great monuments for glory of their hollow pride then what can I be able to do because I am living a life of an insect.  No one knows me rather I am just a part of the crowd.  But then I thought that because I have written so much that's why it can be possible that the people of prospective society can also be able to know my ideas and thoughts. 

Perhaps they can remember me through my writings and it might be possible if it can be helpful for others.  

I don't consider Shakespeare a pessimist or a poet who shows the mortality of this world rather I consider him as a poet of immortality who is always having a faith that he will always alive in his work.  There is one more poem which is very similar to that one i.e. "Shall I compare thee to a summer day."  This is also a classic one as here also he just wanted to say that his poems will remain immortal and same is with the people who have been praised in the lines of Shakespeare's poetry.  

So, in the end, I would like to say that everyone should read William Shakespeare if they want to enjoy the immortality.  Just start with a small poem and the rest of the thing Shakespeare will do himself!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

William Shakespeare a poet of knowledge and wisdom

Whenever we talk about William Shakespeare we can't remain stop to praise the wisdom of his poems and how he filled all of his work as a work of knowledge based on experience.  This is the point which makes him different from the other poets and playwright of English Literature because his main emphasis is to hit the reality with the extreme incidents.  

Most of his poems like Not marble, nor the gilded monuments, Fear no more, The Seven ages are talking about the mortality of this world but when we read "Shall I compare thee to a summer day" and "Not marble, nor the gilded monuments" then we realized that his work was different as he is not talking about mortality rather he is talking about the immortality hidden in his writing which is beyond time and age.  He just wanted to convey to his readers that his work and writing will keep remaining immortal as it didn't come under the domain of this world rather it is quite subtle and always be alive in the heart of his readers and society.  It seems he wants to talk to his successors and he is quite able to communicate with the society of the future with his writing. 

Though he had written all of his poems many years earlier but still now it represents the problems and solutions of our society.  But most of the time he didn't give a solution rather he just want from us to find the solution from his work and writings. 

So, in the end, I would like to say that Shakespeare is not only a poet of language rather he is the poet of knowledge and wisdom because language is just an instrument for him to express his knowledge and wisdom in a better way.