Sunday, December 27, 2015

Silas Marner - A Recluse of Raveloe (a critical analysis)

       One of the greatest Novel written by Mary Ann Evans (also named as George Eliot) reflects that any person can become isolated if he or she will be betrayed by his own loved one.  It also express the psychological needs should be satisfied as Adler a great psychologist said that one live once life just because to get praise and appreciation from the society.  Just like Adler, Jung also emphasized that human mind always seek the satisfaction of once on ego and when it never satisfied or over satisfied then they either become inferior and isolated or seems just like a recluse or become superior and tried to rule others.  Thus both of the situation is harmful for human mind.  If we critically analyzed the novel of George Eliot then we will find out that here she just want to say that it is we who decide how we want to live.  For example in Lantarn yard Silas is one of the reputed person and churchmen but when his epileptic fit was considered as the visitation of devil by his own best friend William Dane then he feel hurt and start thinking how his best friend can think about him just like this.  But latter he forgot it.  It reflects the belief and love of Silas towards his friend William Dane.  But when his own friend Dane took advantage of his epileptic fit and proved Silas as the culprit of killing the Deacon and stealing the Gold of Deacon then he recollects all of his past experience and came to the conclusion how his own best friend back stabbed him just because of Sarah the beloved of Silas.  He later realized that Dane also feel jealous due to the popularity of Silas amongst the people of Lantern Yard.  Thus the whole incident reflects that if we are not aware about our surrounding and became blind toward our own friends then our mind can create an unfavorable situation for us. Similarly when he went to Raveloe he became a recluse and stop talking anyone.  It shows as if he has lost his faith in humanity and God.  Now he spent most of the time in his Loom and did weaving just to substitute his faith with Golden coins.  But again Marner didn't take hold of his mind.  He is doing whatever the circumstance are forced to do.  That's why again he was looted by Dunstan Cass and now again he found himself in the darkness.  The biggest mistake which he has done that he tried to substitute the human love with the love of Gold which is not love rather lust.  He realized the warmness of love when he met Eppie first time in his cottage.  It is Eppie who helped Silas to take hold of his mind and later Dolly helps him to regain his faith in humanity and God.  
     Thus from the above points I can conclude that it is not the circumstances which change the human nature rather it is the human nature which change the circumstances.
I hope it will be helpful for you.

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